Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pre-Podcasting Blog Posting

I am not very familiar with podcasting since I have yet to use it. The information I know about podcasting is very basic. I know that is an online audio or video recording that can be downloaded usually for free. But that is about it. I would definitely look forward to learning more about what podcasting is and what it entails seeing as I, as a future teacher, can benefit from it and employ it in my classroom someday. The advantage that I already see is the idea of having us podcast our choice of children's storybooks, which is something that would already put to use the idea of podcasting. Furthermore, the fact that it is usually free and that rather than being rushed to see a program or not even making it on time and, therefore, missing it, with podcasting it is possible to download the program and save it for a more convenient time is certainly an advantage.


  1. Denisse,
    You bring up a great point, "Furthermore, the fact that it is usually free and that rather than being rushed to see a program or not even making it on time and, therefore, missing it, with podcasting it is possible to download the program and save it for a more convenient time is certainly an advantage."

    If you can podcast your lectures or reminders, it can help those students who "forget" easily or are absent.

    Thanks for posting!

  2. I completely agree with the fact that it is a great opportunity to save time and that it is free is even better! It makes it possible for all to access this source of technology. I too would employ this is my classroom.
